" i am your butter and your bread, the voice that's in your head. i'll take you in and fill you up, with a lack of being fed. "

Thursday, December 01, 2011

when do i stab myself in the ears

great week. other than the irritable boyfriend, nagging mother, and crying in therapy, great week. doesn't sound like it eh? well it can only be great for one reason then.. weight loss! ahah yay. love this app on my ipod.. turned it into a little miracle machine. Lose It! it's called. in love with it. i think i mentioned/explained it before.. anyway. i am at 96.6 lbs as of yesterday morning/same this morning. in the past three days, so monday to wednesday, i have consumed a total of 1409 cals. the highest was 592 cals, the lowest being yesterday at 357 cals. today i haven't quite planned dinner.. i work. so far the total is 115 cals, including breakfast and lunch etc. dentist today too so hopefully my mouth feels so clean i don't want to eat anything. stomach has been getting bad aches lately.. i know they're empty pains. i like them, but sometimes they hurt too much..
and all those totals didn't even take in exercise, with the exercise i've done (all the walking, and squash, and futsal) it's way less. not to mention BMR. i am excited to break 96 lbs! finally get to my first goal, 95 lbs.. i can't wait.. i still have cheat days yes. but only oncee a week now instead of two days from the weekend. just one day a weekend.
i have to get writing for my writer's craft class.. a bulimic alcoholic fifteen/sixteen year old. short story, so not entirely sure how i'll end it yet.. but i'll figure something out.

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