" i am your butter and your bread, the voice that's in your head. i'll take you in and fill you up, with a lack of being fed. "

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

we r who we r

ke$ha makes sense. we are who we are, i am who i am. i wish people would stop trying to change that.
people keep trying to convince me to quit being vegetarian, because 'red meat is soo good' and you know why? because it has loads of fat. deiliciously fattening, unhealthy fat. now, my daddy supports it, and even brought salmon for me last night when my sister had dinner with him and my nanny (his mum), beacuse my nanny made homemade hamburgers (they were always amazing.. they smelled amazing too yesterday) so my daddy brought me salmon. he thinks it'll be beneficial for me, because of my other random health issues. well except my iron deficiency, it's kind of counterintuitive for that ahah oh well i take iron supplements it doesn't matter. but the whole dinner my sister was being playful, teasing me about how good they were.. she thinks i'm being ridiculous. she's never cared like i've cared about food, so i don't exepct her to understand, and i don't expect for me to ever even try to explain. people just hink i'm being stupid. like do they expect me to say something like 'well i'm terribly sorry for being a vegetarian, guys, really, i had no idea it was such an offence!' because that's not going to happen. then people think i'm stupid with counting calories (uhh, have they looked in the mirror lately? just counting them would make them much smarter about choices) and how i exercise regularly, like really? i can't even exercise more than twice a week or something without people being on my case? and then there's whatever the hell else i do that seems to bother people. i am being healthy. they just don't care about their bodies. as much as i care about mine.
so yesterday i won't even go into the details of my food. i will not. i've already confessed it to my boyfriend (who, stupidly, is happy that i ate worse than usual) and my sister, wel because she was with me the whole time, she saw it too and ate the same (except my salmon dinner was healthier) so i do not want to get into it yet again. i've already eaten my junk food for the day, the rest of the day will be under 800 cals now because well to be honest the angel food cake i had this morning (unusually good dunked in coffee i discovered) is probably more than 100 cals.. but i haven't been really sticking to 900 cals obviously, too many things in the way (families can be a huge burden sometimes, and boyfriends), so i figure 800 cals is reasonable for the day now, then 900 cals tomorrow seeing as i've joined a competition on another girl's blog, http://americaneaglelove-missionbeauty.blogspot.com/, so it'll really motivate me! i am the most competitive girl i know, as said in my last posted comment on her last blog post. so i can't wait to break my goddamn 97 lbs barrier. i know it's more like a plateau, except i kind of vary from 97 lbs to 99 lbs throughout weeks, so i'm never really stuck there, as much as it's just the lowest i've been and can't seem to get past it. so i'm off to go get changed for fitness, love spares right after fitness when we go to the gym! here's to burning 1100 cals again! and here's tp hopefully not feeling like i'll throw up from the exercise.. or maybe hopefully i do, hah.


  1. I totaly understand what you mean about people being on your case about being healthy exercising and eating good and all that. my brother always makes fun of me and laughs at me for counting calories. my boyfriend doesnt like it either. My dad understands it but in no way supports it. It is so frustrating. You are inspiring though. You seem so strong burning so many calories on your workout and being vegitarian. I hope to be vegitarian by the end of the year.

    Anyway I am in(trying to get in) the compition as well. Good luck I am sure you'll do great.

    Stay strong.
    <3 Jess

  2. yeah the competition should be fun! i'm just not looking forward to publicly statting my weight every week ahah but i guess that's the point eh =) good luck!

  3. I know exactly what you are talking about being a veg and everything too, i dont know how many times ive had that "red meat is good for you" argument. Now I just ignore them and whatever so its not as bad. Honestly since I stoped eating meat, my skin has been clearer and I dont break out as often, so thats a bonus! But you keep on girl :)
