" i am your butter and your bread, the voice that's in your head. i'll take you in and fill you up, with a lack of being fed. "

Friday, June 10, 2011


that song will not leave my head. i can't believe how entertaining it is, yet how annoying it can get. maybe i'm just irritable in the first place right now.. i ate really well yesterday, no more than 550 cals, because i always overestimate everything, just in case. i read (in a legitimate book about foods and america) that some foods are actually more calories than the package says, so it's better to be safe than sorry! well even though i ate well yesterday, i barely got a morning stomach this morning. i could feel the hunger, which was nice don't get me wrong, but it didn't look hungry. it looked like i ate a medium sized breakfast. i barely eat breakfast in the first place - it's a small apple. and it looked like i ate four, when i had nothing. oh and then of course today is the last day my fitness class is in the weight room.. mind you i guess we only have one week of school left - yay! - next week is the last week, then exam week, and i only have one exam this semester ahah, mixed U and C level math. so not that hard, but math's not exactly my strong suit. my average for grade eleven is 85%, but if math goes lower than the 70% it was at at midterm, i'm screwed. i need this average for early acceptance to uni, so i can coast senior year with a minimum average of 70%, which is no problem for me, i'm taking good/easy courses, all while being able to get into the program i want - psychology. i know i'm going to be a clinical psychologist. undergrad at carleton u, graduate at mcmasters, specialising for a few more years most likely at mcmasters. ANYway, off topic!
the last week of fitness we're playing softball. like the most inactive sport there is in a gym class. sure it's boiling outside for some reason where i live in canada, random storm warnings but we never get hit here.. all areas around us get hit but we haven't been hit in the two day storm warning. we just get all the humidity. so in a way the inactivity is good, but i sweat like crazy anyway, i might as well get some decent exercise! ugh. during spare today i'm going to the school's library to read. i finished all my food books awhile ago, and in the library i found 'even if it kills me' which i had heard about and was on my list to be read, so it's perfect. i just hope i can finish it during all my spares by the end of next week.. really not that much time, i have five more spares only after today's. sigh i'll try, and if not i can come back while friends are in exams and i can read while i wait for them. i'm off to go rest me eyes somewhere, had to get up at 5:13 am to shower 'cause i had no time last night.. and vancouver boston tonight, at least on home ice, hopefully it'll make a difference, but we were killed in boston the past two games.. god i'm tired. kay i'm just going to go read and wait for the last weight room day, last elliptical day for me.. seems like a great day, eh.


  1. You think that song is good yet annoying? What about...

