" i am your butter and your bread, the voice that's in your head. i'll take you in and fill you up, with a lack of being fed. "

Thursday, April 21, 2011

spell of love

i love my boyfriend. i admitted to him i cheated on my detox, and of course he doesn't care, i mean he hates this detox and says i'm being stupid and starving my body.. but he said that when i spend tomorrow, friday, with him, my last detox day, he won't let me touch anything i can't have. he's going to be strict with me. it's good friday so we don't have school, which means i'd either be all alone at home (not a good idea!) or at his house (better..) where at least he can watch me and be strict with me. he's having a family lunch though, and i'm of course invited.. i asked him about that and he just said he won't let me have anything. i love him. i know already that he loves me, but it shows here - he doesn't like 'what i'm doing to myself' but he knows i need to do it and supports me. of course it's because it's only a five day detox but still..
so day three, wednesday! it went well.. i cheated a little.. but still under 800 cals! yes. i had some peanut brittle in the morning.. when i went to get my coffee my nanny (grandma) forced it on me saying she didn't want to eat it all and made me have the last two pieces because she knows i love it - and i do. peanut brittle is amazing. she also makes this other treat i can't resist, it's mini marshmallows (the multicoloured ones are the best) in a mixture of butterscotch chips and peanut butter. those two things melted and mixed together, add in marshmallows, and cool in fridge til they're hard so you can cut them in squares. ohh my lord, it's delicious. i'm not sure if there's anything else, i think that's pretty much it.. so that explains my peanut butter cheat the other night, dipped some mini marshmallows in it.. i'll post the cheats along with everything else i've eaten this week on sunday for my weekly sunday post.
so anyway, other than that it was fine but i was alone at my boyfriend's house after school - he had a test to write, and his mum took his sister to a doctor's appointment - so i made muffins. they're into muffins lately, and i love them so much.. the oatmeal muffin mix is soo good when prepared, then when they're still hot, i put butter on it.. it's amazing. so i had a muffin because i made twenty four muffins for them when they were all gone. my bad.. but still under 800 cals! wow this is turning into a lot of food information.. ahah sorry! i'm determined to make today, thursday, and tomorrow perfect as my last two detox days.. so i'm going through a little withdrawal! as for today though it's going great. only my apple and black coffee in the morning, my lunch is a few stalks of celery and some large cucumber chunks. dinner, i have no idea what i'm going to do. i didn't remember to bring soup because i'm staying late at my boyfriend's.. if his mum makes broccoli soup for me that'd be amazing. if not, well i'm fine with not having anything.. mind you my boyfriend won't be fine with it. he'll force me to eat something, like their crazy high in sodium dry soup mix.. ugh. if i get prepared soup, it's the canned stuff at least and it's either 'HealthyRequest' vegetable soup or'WeightWatchers' vegetable soup. so we'll see what happens for dinner, but as of now i feel great! as of now, with dinner unknown, i'll only have consumed 89 cals.. after dinner, who knows, depending on what soup i have. broccoli soup she makes, i have no clue.. she puts cream in it, but only two tablespoons or so, and freshly shredded cheddar cheese, but not much of that either. the rest is broth and broccoli. more than my homemade soups, but hey it's delicious and still definitely under 400 cals for a bowl.. no way it's higher. i guess 250 cals. so with that, it's only a total of 339 cals! i'll take that. my willpower right now feels great though. sad thing is i didn't get any exercise today.. i usually do with my fitness class but i asked to do work instead because i have a big test in the afternoon and a presentation, and i depserately needed to work on both. the presentation stuff is all done now, but i have to leave to go work on math for the test now.. not looking forward to this. but hell i'm looking forward to weighing myself in the morning, even without exercise i'll have burned more than consumed, and if i feel awake enough i'll take a ride on my elliptical before bed.
this is looking up already. i love my boyfriend, and i can't wait for the weigh ins now!

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