" i am your butter and your bread, the voice that's in your head. i'll take you in and fill you up, with a lack of being fed. "

Monday, October 31, 2011

i did it

i can't believe it.. i did it. i finally did it. i broke 97 lbs. i am now officially 96.5 lbs. i still can't believe it.. that was on friday morning. of course, cheat days etc, so i'm back to 98 lbs with the food in my system, but yay laxies! can't use them as much because for one, i only have one left as of now.. already took two this morning.. and god the cramps are just terrible. but i'm planning to pick some up tonight for sure.
so even though after the cheat days i'm back up a little bit, by this weekend i'll be right back to 96.5 lbs, if not 96 lbs even as hoped! i mean i can do that easily, if i finally reached that first goal.. what's another .5 lbs?
so thank you so much, judith marie, because your support came out of nowhere it seemed and has really helped me out1 i haven't been able to post much, link crew is so time consuming with the haunted house prep and it's today so that's all over at leas tnow.. and now, my birthday's this friday! four mroe days.. so nervous for the sweets.. i'll be seventeen finally. i was born at two past midnight, justt made it to the fourth, so i always stay up watching the clock til then ahah it's tradition now. can't wait. but i need to stock up on laxies if i'm going to get through this relatively unscathed.
so my hallowe'en costume at school right now: tight ish black short sleeved shirt, curved devil horns (not the generic half moon shape, actually curved!), little red feathered wings, and red lame short shorts. couldn't find any matching shoes so i'm wearing navy ones ahah, oh well. feel sort of selfconscious in it, these tiny little shorts.. but i'm feeling pretty alright so far, breaking the plateau friday really gave me a boost i think. and to make it worse though that bitch is behind me in student services studying with her friend (one who was in the train dream) and i can't stand hearing her voice. i'm going to leave soon, i cna't take it any longer.
so, i need those laxies if i'm going to a friend's tonight! hallowe'en ladies! if i must have an early/extra cheat day, i'll have to compensate. no worries, i work twice this week, both easily done as fasts. never done two days in a row before, so i'm excited to try! i'll try to post again quicker than last time!
have a great hallowe'en ladies!


  1. you broke 97lbs???? OMG. lady, YOU BLOW MY MIND!!!!!!! seriously, I'm not just saying that in a "yay, I'm supporting you and you're doing so well" way, although I do mean it in that way too. But on a whole other level, you totally blow my mind with how well you are doing.
    I can't even begin to express how proud I am of you. And the fat bitch you talked about last time, well, she can go screw herself because you sound so much better looking. What's more, you know you're better than her, don't you? Because you are, awesome lady!
    And thank you, thank you a million times over for the support that you give me. Thank you for being there for me. Sometimes I feel so alone but your comments give me some sort of sense to cling onto.

  2. ahhh you made my day! so close to bingeing, but i don't think i'm going to now. ahah yeahh thank youu; i am better than her. definitely. and i'll just keep getting better and better while she gets worse and fatter.
    don't even thank me, honestly, just know i'm here for you, always.
