" i am your butter and your bread, the voice that's in your head. i'll take you in and fill you up, with a lack of being fed. "

Thursday, May 05, 2011

i'm having a bad day

so i'm back from a one night camping trip, and it was awful. rainy, wet, cold.. not too much moving even. it was bad. my feet got soaked instantly getting to our campsite because the bus dropped us off at the wrong place, and my neck and shoulders hurt right off the bat because the girls decided as we got off the bus that i had more room than them in my pack (i did, like it's one night, what the hell did they pack that i didn't have?) so surprise, i got to carry it. i didn't get to properly pack it of course, everyone had started walking, so it was awkwardly positioned and not entirely in the pack and sideways and ah. uncomfortable. painful. and i'm pretty weak to begin with. so anyway without  wasting a lot of time and going into a lot more detail about it, it was awful, i don't like camping, it was cold, and wet, and i was starving.
yep. i binged like fucking mad. i didn't bring much food 'cause i never eat much, especially during the day.. but for some reason i wanted to, and did, eat everything in sight. fuck. don't know what came over me. so yesterday and today, i've been bingeing like mad. i'm going to eat dinner and whatever tonight then starting a weekend fast! friday saturday sunday. monday too if i can wrangle it. won't be hard, i'll still have goddamn food in me from wednesday to keep me going for the whole weekend! now saturday won't be a perfect fast. i will be eating sushi with my best friend, staying at her place which means lots of black coffee and diet coke, yay, but we already planned to go to 1000 sushi islands, an all you can eat sushi place close enough to her place which means some good walking there and back as well, and i can't back out of that.. she's not perfect with eating either. she doesn't have an ED, but she has shown some mia tendencies.. rarely, but she has. mostly when she's drunk, she makes herself, but not to sober up or anything, but because she eats shit food when she's drunk and wants it out. she's done it sober too but not much at all.. anyway i can really rely on her to keep my secret, actually she keeps all my secrets no matter what (even though she hid my boyfriend's secret for that whole time.. she never tells my secrets though) and she also somewhat understands. so she won't mind if i don't eat much sushi or whatever and don't eat dinner. i have calorie content of the sushi i like on my phone, so i'll order those only and make sure to stay under 300 cals there, and if she wants to go to starbucks, well i got the names of and calorie contents of all the drinks i'd consider having now that i know the calories.. all under 100 cals. some in smalls, some talls, and i think even a grande or two. so if she wants to go or suggests it, i'll go and get a 60 cals one or something, like a tall nonfat cappuccino, if i want something hot, or one that's 0 cals even if i want something cold, the shaken tazo tea, iced passion, unsweetened. (the link's info is for sweetened, but in an article on the site 'delicious drinks under 200 calories' says 0 cals for usnweetened) and i told her i had a list of the drinks under 100 cals, however small, all the good ones are on it, and she was really happy with that even. so i'm looking forward to this fast. camping fucking sucks and made me insanely hungry and gross and fat.
so i'm going to go continue this fat fest and eat dinner. then i might go walk to the corner and grab the new cosmo, or the last two new ones as i don't think i got either of them sadly.. and i think i'll grab a coke zero for tomorrow, if i'm going to fast i need my coke zero - been saving my last mini can just for this occasion. then i'm going to go to bed with my cosmos knowing i had enough calories to fuel me for the whole weekend, exercise and all. fuck camping.

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