" i am your butter and your bread, the voice that's in your head. i'll take you in and fill you up, with a lack of being fed. "

Monday, May 30, 2011

gotta keep reading

i'll keep it short.
i'm extremely bored, feel pretty nauseous, and still kind of worried about the girl and the note and the guidance counsellors. boyfriend almost saw what was on my screen, unluckily enough he has english during my spare and they're in the library, and i'm in the library lab. he had to print something and came to sit beside me of course.. close call, good thing i always keep my screen really darkened ahah and he knows he's not to see my blog, but he still tried of course. don't think he saw anything though at least, yay. only here for two reasons: still scared of going into ss (student services) because of the gc. and it was pretty crowded.
don't know why i'm nauseous.. well i get nauseous all the time actually but i never really know why. it's been like this for maybe a year.. alright less than a year but defniitely beginning of school year or so, september to november, around there. i never have an explanation unless i drank the night before, and i was fine last night so it is not a continuation of saturday night. oh well, i always just deal with it. more and more water! makes it worse, then better, then worse. who cares, i like the water. i'm actually sticking to my new goal of 2 or 2.5 liters! happy for myself. every goal i stick with is a victory for me, and makes my resilience that much stronger for my next goal.
and he fucking came back. surprised me, asked for something, so before looking for it, i changed screens to my hotmail (different hotmail account) but he saw the title in the tab.. fuck, i probably have to change it. he didn't see the second word, he just said aloud'addictive angry?' i said no, he guessed again, 'angro? aggro?' no, no. so he doesn't know entirely. but i'm worried he'll be able to find it now.. i'll decide tonight whether or not to change it.. sigh. why does he have to ruin things for me.
anyway, the vodka gummy bears from saturday night were left in my friend's room half under her bed, forgotten after we hid them from someone coming upstairs. so we decided she'd bring them to school, and hide them in our shared locker, having some whenever we wanted. except for the extra calories i'll be consuming, i'm happy - out of tylenol ages ago, so i think this is a decent substitute. at least tylenol didn't have calories though. but i'm just as content with alcohol feelings as i am with painkiller ones.
so i'm off to read the second of my three books, this one is 'drink this, not that!' and i love it, i love the site too, www.eatthis.com, and i've already read 'eat this, not that! 2010 edition' in two days. next i have 'eat this, not that! supermarket survival guide' they are actually so interesting, i highly recommend them to everyone; they should be at your local library. i promised myself also i'd read more, and where better to start? (another promise i've kept!) 'wintergirls' and 'the best little girl in the world' come next. all i can do to keep myself sane now, sane and not eating. i love reading.


  1. Vodka gummy bears sound yummy! I've never tried them. Are they good?

  2. actually they are really good! if you make them properly, like soak them for the right amount of time (which i forget, my friend and i found the instructons on stumbleupon), then you hardly taste vodka, if at all. and i still felt that alcohol warmth after like fifteen or so.
